Hansel and Gretel Day Care, Inc.
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Hansel and Gretel, Inc.
Hansel and Gretel, Inc. Subsidized Child Care
Program Office- By Appointment Only
4928 E Clinton Way Suite 209
Fresno, CA 93727
T 559.229.1148 F 559. 538.3194
Parkwest Infant & Preschool
2409 W. Alamos~ Fresno CA 93705
T 559. 229. 1104 / F 559. 229.0403
LIC # 100405168 100405169 100405170
Hansel and Gretel Infant & Preschool
1311 N Fresno Street ~ Fresno CA 93703
T 559. 266. 1557 / F 559. 266.8230
LIC # 100404622 100404643
Hansel and Gretel Wishon
2045 N Wishon ~ Fresno CA 93704
T 559. 227. 5436 / F 559. 369.7537
LIC # 103808267 103808268
Pixie Land Child Care
3290 Sunset Ave ~ Madera CA 93637
T 559.673.2223 / F 559.673.7662
LIC # 203801367 203801368 203801369
Early Head Start Family Service Worker
Susie Quintero
For families ages 6weeks to 3 Years Old
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